At Archibald Primary School we believe that all children should have every opportunity to succeed, that it is
imperative to our children's lives that they can not only read, but that they become readers. As such, we aim to start their reading journeys with
a passion and enthusiasm for stories and books; alongside building their confidence in de-coding and reading for themselves.
We use the Read Write Inc phonics and reading scheme which begins in the Foundation Stage and develops throughout school.
The teaching of early reading starts with our youngest children in Pre-School and Nursery.
To ensure our nursery children are well prepared and ready to begin learning grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs) and
blending from when they start Reception we:
We recognise the importance of all children making a strong start in learning to read. At Archibald Primary School we have adopted the
Read Write Inc. (RWI) systematic phonics programme. This is a rigorous programme which ensures children in Reception and Key Stage 1
quickly gain the phonics knowledge and early reading skills that they need.
Children take part in daily RWI phonics sessions. During the lessons children will:
PACE - no time is wasted during teaching sessions! Children are active and involved in a fun and creative way.
PRAISE - teachers praise the children constantly throughout the teaching sessions. Children learn more quickly when
they are praised for what they do well.
PURPOSE - each activity has a very clear purpose. The teacher will set this purpose at the beginning of the
lesson so that the children know exactly what they will be learning.
PARTICIPATION - all children are expected to take part in all parts of the lesson. Full participation is gained
through partner work and choral response.
PASSION - our teachers and support staff are passionate about our teaching and the benefits of the Read,
Write Inc. programme. The enthusiasm demonstrated by our teachers and support staff positively impact and influence the children.
Pupils work within ability groups which are defined by their performance on RWI phonic assessments. Pupils are re-assessed approximately every 6 weeks and teaching groups are re-organised accordingly within each year group.
Set one sounds are taught in a specific order
Children are taught the 'pure' sounds ie 'mmmm' and not 'muh' to enable blending
Children are taught to orally blend using 'My turn, Your Turn' (MTYT)
Children are taught to sound out and blend green words and then read them with greater fluency and speed.
Red words (words that are not decodable) are taught to be read on sight.
Set 2 and set 3 sounds are taught once children are confident applying set 1 sounds to their reading.
When your child has learnt enough sounds and is ready to blend these sounds to make a word, they will take home a Speed Sound book.
Progressing to reading sentences, your child will take home a Ditty sheet, that they will have practised that day in their phonics lesson.
As your child's fluency and phonetic understanding grows, they will move on to taking two books home; one storybook that will be matched to their
phonics reading level and one sharing book which they may need a little more support with reading - they will need you to read and enjoy this book with them.
It is a good idea for children to be encouraged to read and re-read the same book a number of times over a few days as this helps the text to become familiar
to them. Reading a familiar text is a great way to help pupils improve and develop their fluency.
Home reading books will be changed regularly. Teachers communicate the days books are changed with their classes and share this with parents and
carers regularly.
Children are assessed throughout every lesson. Every time partner work is used the teacher assesses the progress of the children. The teacher assesses how children:
To ensure consistent, high-quality teaching of phonics across our school, we have a dedicated Phonics Lead and a dedicated Phonics into Early
Reading Lead who work in partnership to help ensure an absolute fidelity to the RWInc programme, accurate assessment and informed quality first
provision thus making sure no child is left behind on their journey to becoming a reader.
Regular CPD is planned for all teachers and support staff to keep them continually upskilled in the delivery of phonics and early reading strategies.
Watch the video and learn how to say each sound correctly.
Oxford Owl is a FREE website built to support you and your child's learning. On the website, you will find age-specific reading and maths tips and
activities, FREE ebooks and lots of fun ideas to really bring your child's learning to life. So why not click on the link and see what you can find?
Oxford Owl - Click Here