The key components of our school ethos are...

In our school we aim to understand and meet the needs of the individual child. In order to do so, the school provides a happy, safe, secure and intellectually stimulating environment where the children are not merely given the opportunity to reach their full potential, but are expected to do so.

The children of Archibald Primary School are encouraged to give of their best by putting the emphasis on personal achievement.

In return we adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement in every aspect of the school’s work and life – always placing the children’s work at the centre of the learning process.

  • Absolute belief: we continually reinforce the total belief that all pupils have potential and will achieve
  • Increasingly high expectations: for achievement, quality of all work, behaviour and manners
  • Explicit teaching of expected behaviour through assemblies, PSHCE lessons, circle time, golden rules, and modelling and rewarding desired behaviours
  • Shared values instilled continually through a variety of experiences
  • Families as partners through regular communication with parents/carers, a home school partnership, triangulation meetings, inductions for all pupils starting school, ‘open door’ policy and on-going communication strategies through the weekly newsletter, plasma screens, text messages, positive recognitions (certificates sent home)
  • Messaging aspiration through the environment: mottoes, posters and banners in classrooms and corridors throughout the school, school productions, performances and sports events
  • Clear and continuous communication of expectations, aspirations and values to pupils and families.